Paradigm Corporation
Date Routines for the Unisys MCP Environment

The following links are to source files containing date routines based onTantzen's Algorithm 199. All files are in Programmer's Workbench (PWB, NX/Edit) format.

Click on a link to view or download the slides, notes, or sample files.
Algol Routines A file of Algol defines and procedures to manipulate dates (21K).
COBOL-74/85 Working-Storage COBOL-74 COPY modules for Working-Storage and PERFORM routines to manipulate dates. These will also work with COBOL-85. (18K and 42K).
COBOL-74/85 Procedure Division
WFL "K" Routines A file of routines that can be included in WFL jobs, similar to the Algol routines (19K).
  • These routines work for '00-03-01 through '99-12-31 in any century.
  • They will also work for 1900-03-01 through 2100-02-28.
  • See the Gregory A-Series ClearPath Technical Journal article that describes this file and the file of sample routines below.
WFL "K" Sample Job A sample WFL job that exercises the date routines above (25K)
WFL "J" Routines A file of routines that can be included in WFL jobs, similar to the WFL "K" routines above (21K).
  • These routines work for dates 0001-01-01 through at least 9999-12-31.
  • Dates before 1582-10-15 will be calculated according to the "proleptic" Gregorian calendar.
WFL "J" Sample Job A sample WFL job that exercises the date routines above (26K)


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